
3 Reasons to Upgrade Your Thermostat in Calhoun, KY

Even if your Calhoun, KY, home’s thermostat seems like it’s working fine, you may want to upgrade it. In recent years, thermostat technology has advanced enough that doing so can have a profound...

What to Do If You Have a Water Leak in Greenville, KY

Dealing with a significant water leak in your home can leave you scrambling to minimize damage and protect your property. You may not know what to do first to stop the leak and prevent it from recurring...

Are You Due for a New Furnace in Madisonville, KY?

Living with an old or broken furnace through the winter in Madisonville, KY can impose unnecessary hardship on you. It’s important to know when your furnace has reached the end of its lifespan so that you can plan for a replacement. Here are a few indications that it might be time for you to get a new furnace...

Benefits of Ductless HVAC Systems in Madisonville, KY

Ductless air conditioners, or mini-split systems, are gaining popularity in Madisonville, KY, and other parts of the country. These systems are a great alternative to traditional central air conditioning units, providing efficient and customizable cooling options for homeowners...

Three Reasons You Need a Generator in Greenville, KY

Power disruptions can be inconvenient in your Greenville, KY home. You’ll have challenges navigating in the dark, staying warm, and preserving the freshness of your food. Here are three main benefits of having a backup generator installed...

4 Reasons Water Heater Repairs Aren’t DIY Projects in Calhoun, KY

There are numerous DIY tasks that you can perform around your Calhoun, KY home to keep it in good condition; however, water heater repair is not one of them. Here are four reasons why DIY water heater repair can be dangerous and even catastrophic...

4 Signs of a Water Leak in Hopkinsville, KY

Having a water leak in your Hopkinsville, KY home is a serious problem. It can lead to a wealth of issues, from significant increases in your water bill to damage to your foundation and other structural components. Learn more about the signs of a water leak so that you can detect it quickly and have a professional fix it...

Should I Invest in Improving My IAQ in Madisonville, KY?

Fall is here, and homeowners in Madisonville, KY may spend more time inside their homes with their families and pets. More family time is great, but breathing the same air in and out all day and night can lead to indoor air quality (IAQ) issues. There are plenty of good reasons to invest..

Can I Perform My Own Electrical Repairs in Calhoun, KY?

Electrical work is one of the few things you should never try to do yourself without the right training. Even small repairs or replacements like changing out an outlet or ceiling fan can result in shock or electrocution. Here are a few important reasons why you should...

WiFi Thermostats Offer Unmatched Convenience and Control

Achieving greater control of indoor temperatures and energy expenditures can allow you to enjoy greater comfort at a lower cost in your Madisonville, Kentucky home. Investing in a WiFi thermostat can be a great way to manage utility bills while maintaining comfortable temperatures all year round...

What Do Variable-Speed Heat Pumps Offer Homeowners?

Once little-known outside of early adopters and industry professionals, variable-speed heat pumps have recently exploded in popularity nationwide. While there’s plenty of hype, what do these high-tech heating and cooling systems really have to offer Madisonville, KY, homeowners...

3 Clues It’s Time For An A/C Repair

There is no better sound than that of the air conditioner running on a hot, summer day. If your unit is not working as well as it should, it may be time to call for air conditioning repair. The worst time for your system to be on-the-fritz is when outdoor temperatures are high. If you are experiencing any...

Common Air Conditioner Problems To Look For Before Summer

Our air conditioners are the unsung heroes during the summertime months; when they are functioning properly we tend to take them for granted. They actually perform two important functions. The most obvious one is that they keep you and your family comfortable...

How To Choose An HVAC Contractor

At Prow Brothers, we are keenly aware that you have many choices in HVAC service in the Eddyville, KY area. Your “old Kentucky home” has a special furnace, boiler or central air conditioner—special because it is yours, and you expect an HVAC contractor

Prevent Costly HVAC Repairs With Preventative Maintenance

Regular HVAC maintenance will not only extend the life of your system, it will also improve energy efficiency. You can prevent major repairs and pad your budget by scheduling proper maintenance on a regular basis throughout the year...

How To Avoid Furnace Repair This Winter

There is nothing worse than waking up on a cold morning to a freezing house due to your furnace dying overnight. While there is no way to guarantee your furnace will never break down, there are certain things you can do to be proactive and avoid furnace repair this winter...

Don’t Heat Your Home Using These Dangerous Methods

During sub-zero weather, many households use supplemental heat sources to make their living quarters more comfortable. These heating alternatives can create problems that are much worse...

Common Heat Pump Problems Solved

Heat pump problems not only make the interior of your house uncomfortable, but it causes the entire heating system to waste energy as it tries to compensate for an efficiency loss. Some of the problems are technical issues, which require an expert hand, while others are easy to solve...

How Does Electric Heating Work

With the holiday months upon us, many are now turning off their air conditioners and turning on the heaters in their houses to keep warm during the winter. Most people do not really think about how most of their appliances work, but knowing whether your home is powered...

How Indoor Plants Can Improve Air Quality

You can improve indoor air quality in a variety of ways, including eliminating contaminants that occur naturally inside of your home. For example, carpeting that is not properly cleaned and maintained can create dust buildup and increase particle matter that deteriorates the air quality inside of your home...

The Risks of Electrical Space Heaters

Even though technology has progressed significantly in the past couple of decades, it can still be dangerous. This is especially true when it comes to anything that you have to plug into an electrical outlet. One appliance that you have to be incredibly careful of are electric space heaters, as they can be major fire risks if you don’t take the proper precautions...

The Importance Of Air Flow

Not very often do we stop and think of the air around us, but proper airflow and ventilation is critical when making your home a healthy living environment. Having the correct airflow allows you and your family to be healthier and get rid of pet, cooking, and...

The Unseen, Harmful Substance: Radon

There are many unseen harmful substances that are currently present in the air around us. These substances can even be fatal when left unnoticed. One of those harmful substances is radon. Radon is invisible. It cannot be seen, smelled, or tasted. But, what you may not know is that it can be an issue in your own home...

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